Generator Preventive Maintenance

Generator Preventative Maintenance

What would happen to your car if you left it parked, unused, in a garage for a year or even two?

When you finally decide to drive it, it might not start. That’s a frustration that you certainly want to avoid. Generators function in a similar way. Their engines resemble a car engine with spark plugs, an oil filter, and an air filter. All items must be replaced annually. As a standby generator owner, it’s important that your machine receive regular preventative maintenance to ensure that it operates when you need it.

You wouldn’t go years and years without getting the oil changed in your car. So you shouldn’t treat your generator like that either. Imagine spending hard-earned money on a brand new Generac generator, but because you neglected to have it serviced, the generator didn’t even run in a power outage! We recommend that your standby generator receive preventative maintenance once a year to keep it running smoothly and to extend its life as long as possible.

Don't let your generator's air filter deteriorate like this, or the oil become dirty like that.

Oil Leak
Oil Leak

Preventative Maintenance from Absolute Energy

Absolute Energy Solutions offers a hands-free, no-fuss option to make sure your generator gets the care it needs. Regular maintenance from us means you’re entitled to the following benefits:

  • Assurance that our technicians are Generac trained and certified for preventative maintenance service as well as any warranty work.
  • A 25-point check list performed once a year.
  • Priority service as a preferred customer.
  • Discounted pricing on parts and labor for any service visits outside of the annual preventative maintenance service, should they be needed.
  • All of your maintenance service visits are pre-scheduled, so you don’t have to remember the last time you had your generator serviced.
  • The confidence that Absolute holds service records on your machine should Generac ever request proof of maintenance in the case of a warranty claim.
  • Peace of Mind  that your generator is in good hands!

The #1 Reason for expensive generator repairs is inadequate preventative maintenance.

Generator Maintenance

Don’t let your generator sit and go year after year without an oil change. Keep it tuned up and working at peak performance with one of our signature maintenance visits. Give us a call for pricing and scheduling. Get in our system and you can take generator maintenance of your to-do list and of your mind.